Identify that tango playing around you

El Recodo Tango App
  • Identify most tangos within seconds
  • Confirm the identifications using the available audio samples
  • Add ratings and favorites
  • Get accurate artist names, recording dates and more...
  • Get Lyrics
  • Find similar recordings through the Tanda Builder
  • Keep a history of the tangos you identified


The project

After thousands Tango Quiz where you are asked what is this tango it was time to offer a way for YOU to ask El Recodo.

One click, anywhere, anytime, from a short audio sample playing around you. Many apps do that for modern music, but when it comes to tango, they are - if not wrong - confusing or they lack key information such as recording dates. If such tool could be linked to El Recodo Tango Music, it would definitly improve our tango music knowledge...

Three years of thinking, struggling and developping finally resulted in the 1st audio recognition app dedicated to tango. Several people involved to make it work, especially Ahmed Alami (algorithms, tests, architecture), Julien Libeau (servers, application), Gregory Diaz (concept, audio learning, database), and all contributors.

Help improving the app by contributing!
It is an on going project...

Questions / Answers

What tango can be identified?

All recordings available on El Recodo Tango Music may be identified, which covers thousands recordings and versions, mainly classical and danceable tango which is the priority scope.
Getting a contributor access helps to improve the database on regular basis.

There's no result, however the recording is listed on El Recodo

Try with the mic near to the speaker and on a distinct sample of music. Still no result? It may be a version still unknown by the app (transfer with distinct sounding or speed), despite the efforts to continuously integrate as many releases as possible.
You can also try the advanced search with a piece of lyrics and any other filter you may find.

What benefits vs other famous apps?

Non-tango applications display information from CD releases which is perfect for music in general, but not for tango.
This app includes non-official realeases which often circulate between DJ's and dancers; and you get accurate tango data from El Recodo Tango Music. As an example, "La cumparsita by Juan D'Arienzo", is not the answer you are looking for because he recorded it 6 times between 1928 and 1971! Which one are you listening to? El Recodo can tell...

The wrong tango has been identified

Like all similar apps, the recognition technology is wondeful but never perfect. It is recommended to double check your identifications using the audio sample (play button) or the website. You can also remove the recording from your history.

I always used Facebook Login / I don’t know my password

If you don’t remember your password, or If you don’t have any because you always use Facebook to log in, click on “lost password” and follow the process: Enter your email, wait for the email (check you spams), get a temporary link to define a new password.

About El Recodo Tango App


Myszko Miauczy Pierwszy

Hi, in my experience el Recodo identifies tangos quite poorly - only some 30% - while Musixmatch identifies some 70%. Is there something wrong on my mobile or you have similiar experience?

Gregory Diaz

Hi Myszko,
These alternatives solutions have a lot of money (ressources) and are based on all music repertoire which include all tango album released on online platforms automatically. This can lead to higher identification compared to El recodo. On the other hand, they don't have private digitalizations that never reached public platforms but are spread in the tango community; they copy again and again many metadata errors, wrong titles or artists; they don't know about recording dates (a crucial info in tango music) nor the difference between an orchestra or a singer.
- Higher identification rate, lower tango data reliability -- shazam and friends
- Lower identification rate, higher tango data reliability -- El Recodo
You can maximize your idenfications using El Recodo Tango App for golden age tangos. Also place the phone near a speaker and make sure you have a good internet connexion (the app doesn't like intermittent poor conection).
To identify recordings from your own tango library, correct or set their right metadata, use TangoLink which is much more powerful than the app and designed for this purpose.
I hope this whill help

Myszko Miauczy Pierwszy

Thanks for explanation, Gregory. You are right that the quality of data in el Recodo is mutch higher. Appreciated.

Adriana Tor Man

Con el pago, hay limite de busqueda de tangos en la app?

Gregory Diaz

Hola Adriana,
Los accesos Contribuidor y TangoDJ permiten el uso del App sin limite.
Si la idea es de identificar una gran cantidad de archivos de audio desde un PC o Mac, recomiendo TangoLink (acceso TangoDJ), de lo contrario la cuenta Contribuidor es suficiente.
El detalle de las funcionalidades se encuentra aqui www.el-recodo.com/subscribe
un abrazo

Daniel Guzmán

50 búsquedas con la app por día

Gregory Diaz

Gracias Daniel por rectificarlo. Desde mi ultimo mensaje, se ha tenido que poner este limite para todos (aunque bastante alto: 50/dia).

J@V0 None

disculpen pero beatfind es mejor, y no hay que pagarlo.

Daniel Guzmán

El problema con estas apps es que para una escucha casual está bien, pero aquí es importante tener datos lo más exactos posibles como la fecha de grabación o primeras y segundas voces y es eso lo que estás pagando.
Si tú usas beatfind para que analice el ingeniero de Di Sarli , efectivamente te va a decir que es el Ingeniero, pero para saber cuál de las 3 versiones es (45, 52 o 55) tendrás que invertir un poco más de tiempo.
Saludos !


Gregory Diaz

No hubiera respondido mejor Daniel.
Creo que tu explicacion es muy acertada y corresponde al uso de la mayoria de los usuarios. Ademas es gratis (cierto con una limitcion por dia, de lo contrario no se podria cubrir los costos). Saludos!


Bjr Je ne parviens pas à pouvoir identifier des morceaux à partir de mon IPhone que je place à côté d’une enceinte
Que puis-je faire ?


j'ai fait l'essai avec deux modeles d'enceintes, ( attention de marque professionnelles, Genelec et ADAM AUdio) et a different niveaux, a partant du principe que vos fichiers sont de bonnes qualités , le problème est peut être qu'il faut baisser le niveau, ou éloigner l'iPhone des enceintes, il est fort possible que le micro de l'iPhone génère de la distorsion si le niveau SPL est trop fort trop prés du Haut Parleur, essayez en baissant le niveau.
j'ai un phénomène similaire en Milonga a Buenos Aires, mais su plus probablement à la réverbération de la salle, chez moi a 1 mettre de l'enceinte el recodo App reconnait le titre entre 5 et 8 secondes, au Salon Canning de Scalabrini, après 30 secondes toujours pas de reconnaissance. je pense que l'acoustique de la pièce si on est loin du champs direct de enceintes influe sur la reconnaissance, et aussi, si on est trop fort il est possible ( juste ma théorie) que le micros des smartphones introduisent de la distorsion a fort niveau .

Gregory Diaz

Bonjour Maurice, peux-tu essayer d'identifier le tango du jour disponible sur la page MUSIQUE et me dire si ca marche?

Una Chen

hi this is a dream come true! tested the app in the afternoon for an hour and it worked for most requests. later i attended a zoom meeting on pugliese. the app correctly identified about 80% of the songs played (generally for no more than 20s). so it worked with zoom compression sound quality! perhaps in some time it'll work at a noisy milonga to give us bragging rights? (obviously it depends on the app and milongas happening^^). super useful. thanks!!

Gregory Diaz

Thanks for your positive feedback Una!
Since then, the app has been improving with even more recording versions.
Thx for your support!

Sandra Castro

Hola, no conociá la aplicacion ; me inscribí como hago para acceder a escuchar y bajar música ; gracias

Gregory Diaz

Hola Sandra, No es una aplicacion de escucha, sino de identificacion de audio. Como Shazaam pero para tango.

Yuksel Sise

I can't login

Gregory Diaz

Hi Yuksel,
On the app, you must insert the same credentials as for this website (this is the same account). If you do it without mistake it should work as well as on www.el-recodo.com. Best Regards,

martine aguinalin

je découvre merci

Gregory Diaz

Ahora disponible par iPhone
Now available on iPhone

Neil O'Dwyer

I am viewing this screen on Windows 7. I want to download the app to my Android phone. I am happy to pay 25 euro. What steps must I take (in detail)?

Gregory Diaz

Hi Neil
Come back here wirh your android phone and press the install button on the top of this page.

Ezequiel Merlo

Está disponible para Iphone?

Gregory Diaz

Hola Ezequiel
Técnicamente esta. Solo me faltan contribuciones para cubrir un poco más los costos de todo eso :)
Este atento y pronto llegara

Juan Lagos

No disponible esta para iPhone .?

Una Chen

Hi. This is great news! But login with Facebook doesn't work on the app?

Gregory Diaz

Hi Una, good question and the answer is in the Q/A section now.

Denis Tango

Bonjour Gregory, merci pour ta réponse et je suis déjà contributeur. En attendant la version ios, cordialement.

Denis Tango

Bonjour, il y aura une version iPhone ?

Gregory Diaz

Bonjour Denis,
A priori, il n'y a plus de blocage technique donc pas de souci pour une version iOS. Par contre, il faut d'abord valider l’intérêt des utilisateurs (Android du coup) et de nouveaux contributeurs.

yael szmule

Son unos capos